Kids’ eBooks & Databases
Your library card number allows you access to quality, free digital content through the library!
Download eBooks and audiobooks at home or on the go from OverDrive, or visit one of our kids' databases for instant access to information to complete that last-minute homework assignment even if you can't make it into the library.
hoopla provides online and mobile access to eBooks, audiobooks, comics, music, movies, and TV. With hoopla and your library card, you can borrow, instantly stream, and download dynamic content via hoopla’s mobile app or www.hoopladigital.com. All you need to get started is your library card and a web browser, smart phone, or tablet. When you turn on Kids Mode, your child will only have access to kid-friendly material recommended for ages 12 and under.
OverDrive for Kids & Teens offers a child-friendly, free, and easy way to download eBooks and audiobooks through the Minuteman Library Network. All you need to start downloading content is your Westwood Library card number and account PIN/password.
Tumble Books offers a way for children to view free books, videos, games, and puzzles online through the Westwood Public Library with your Westwood Library card number.
World Book's eBook collection includes highly illustrated, engaging non-fiction eBooks that support a span of curriculum areas and reading levels. Westwood Library card users receive unlimited simultaneous access to all of the books in the collection.
Britannica Fundamentals is an innovative early learning resource for students in grade levels kindergarten through second grade. Previously Britannica Learning Zone.
Britannica School Edition is for Elementary, Middle and High School levels. This reference and learning suite also offers high-quality online learning materials that have been developed by teachers and curriculum experts.
Elementary In Context is for grades K-5. A content-rich, authoritative, easy-to-use digital resource featuring age-appropriate, reliable, curriculum-related content covering a broad range of educational topics.
Novelist K-8 Plus is created especially for kids (and the adults who work with them). It has a colorful, graphic-rich homepage, is very easy to use, and is a great resource for helping teachers, school media specialists, children's librarians, and kids find that next great fiction read. Features include Grab and Go Book Lists on a variety of fiction and nonfiction curricular-based topics.
Pebble Go: Animals and Science is the emergent reader research solution! Pebble Go Animals offers hundreds of articles that support animal classification, behavior, and habitat lessons. Pebble Go Science is aligned to Next Generation Science Standards! Covers life, physical, earth and space sciences plus technology and engineering.
ScienceFlix provides students with over 4,000 videos, articles, interactive media and more on the earth, space, life and physical sciences, health and the human body and technology and engineering. Teachers can support learning with projects and experiments, quizzes and discussion starters, weblinks and interactive timelines.
TrueFlix™ is the only online resource that leverages the award-winning True Books content to help students hone literacy skills, build knowledge of subject-area content, and cultivate 21st Century skills through the inquiry process. To view from home, you will need your Westwood Library card number.
Find a full list of databases that are provided by the Westwood Public Library here.
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Need WiFi on the go? Check out a Mobile Hotspot
at the Westwood Public Library!
The Library now offers Mobile Beacon 4G mobile hotspots. Internet service is provided on TMobile's 4G LTE network allowing library patrons access to high-speed internet service anywhere a cell phone signal can be received. Up to 10 devices can be connected, with unlimited data. Must be at least 18 years of age to check out a hotspot. Click here for additional information about borrowing hotspots.