Teacher Resources
We love teachers!
The Children’s Department is chock full of materials that support Common Core Standards, projects, classroom sustained silent reading, reading aloud, reading along, and listening. The Children’s Room staff are able to help locate materials in-house and elsewhere in the Minuteman system. All it takes to get help is a quick phone call, email, or submission of the relevant forms below.
The Teachers Libguide has librarian curated resources and request forms.
Institution Library Cards
Schools and other institutions that wish to allow a person or individuals to borrow materials for school use, can apply for an Institution library card. If you would like to establish a card for your school, an application must be accompanied by a letter on the institution’s letterhead and signed by the appropriate authority granting the applicant(s) permission to check out materials in the institution’s name. Materials may be checked out for 6 weeks and should be for the institution only. The card is accepted only at Westwood Public Library. For more information, please contact Karen Gallagher at kgallagher@minlib.net or she can be reached at 781-320-1048.
Requesting a Visit from Library Staff
Please contact the Children’s Room at 781-320-1042, or email the Children’s Librarian at wwdchildrens@gmail.com, at least 2 weeks ahead of the proposed visit to read to children, talk about getting library cards, for classroom help using library resources, or other related services. During the Covid 19 Pandemic, Westwood Librarians are available for virtual visits and will do our best to accommodate requests.
Librarians are available to visit your class to:
Be a Guest reader
Teach students about online resources
Book talk titles (either of our choosing or around a theme that you provide)
Talk about Librarianship as a career
Other requests – talk to us about what you’d like!
Technology Help
Schedule a one-on-one tech help appointment at the Main Library or Islington Branch!
Library Newsletter
Find out about upcoming events, new titles, and all things Westwood Library.
Need WiFi on the go? Check out a Mobile Hotspot
at the Westwood Public Library!
The Library now offers Mobile Beacon 4G mobile hotspots. Internet service is provided on TMobile's 4G LTE network allowing library patrons access to high-speed internet service anywhere a cell phone signal can be received. Up to 10 devices can be connected, with unlimited data. Must be at least 18 years of age to check out a hotspot. Click here for additional information about borrowing hotspots.